I come from Zurich, Switzerland. I love everything about dogs. They live for the moment, they know how to have fun, and the bond they have with humans. Their love is something you simply can’t find anywhere else.
In my leisure time I like to meet my friends, read books, travel to the Joshua Tree desert, and the laid back culture in San Diego, it's good vibes and recharge.
While living a few months in sunny Encinitas/San Diego I met the wonderful owners of the dogs Barry and Maya. Both of the dogs are lots of fun and touched my heart. It was Barry’s dog owner who first told me that I had the gift of helping their four-legged friends with touch, communication and intuition to transform their behavioral issues.
As a child, I lived on a farm in Schwyz, Switzerland, surrounded by animals. When I was young, rabbits were my favorite as they were the cutest. When I was around 11, I was bitten by a stranger’s dog and had to have stitches. Since then I have been scared of dogs until I met Barry. He showed me that I can trust him and that he will be always nice to me.
It was at my first rental apartment that I met Barry in 2014, and I still remember him looking up at me with his big beautiful eyes. I felt that Barry wanted to change and transform his behavior. He was constantly biting flip-flops and was getting himself into trouble!
I gave Barry lots of attention, communicated with him, and petted him a lot. I learned more about what his specific needs were, what he loved and when he needs to rest. One morning I noticed that Barry had snuck under my table where a pair of my flip-flops were. I was not sure if I left them there the day before or if I took them off while sitting there. On purpose, I left the flip flops there the next day. He came around and to my surprise, he didn’t touch them! This moment felt so good and put a big smile on my face. I was so excited that I immediately told the owner.
Barry’s owner told me that I have a special gift with dogs and that they are able to feel my positive attitude and high-frequency and powerful energy aura.
Barry got what he needed and his inappropriate behavior had been transformed thanks to the reactivation of his own ability to self-heal. His coat was shinier, he was prouder, and was a happier dog. I had a big smile on my face and felt joy to see him open up and really get the most out of his life - Barry’s joyful dog life.
People tell me that I sense and see with high awareness
After moving elsewhere in Encinitas, I met Tim and his dog Maya at Beacon’s beach while watching the sunset. Read more about Maya here and how I help her and Tim.
It makes me happy to see that owners are enjoying their dogs more, too.
For more than six years I’ve been helping dogs and owners transform and improve the quality of their lives, which is what led to me starting my own company in the autumn of 2021.
I'm very excited to meet you and your dog
I'm a dog trainer and a dog coach helping with individual training to transform the cause deeply inside the body and the nervous system. The dog-human bonding is the what every team is practising at the first session at the animal healing practice.
My mission is to help dogs and their favorite humans live in harmony and connect on a deeper level.
What is Healing Touch for Animals®?
Animals experience life as we humans do. They can feel heartbreak, sadness, traumas and much more. Healing Touch for Animals® is a safe, gentle and natural approach to animal health and wellness through each stage of life.
Healing Touch for Animals® techniques supports the animal's energetic body so the physical body and mental strength can maintain the health and wellness they deserve. Access an animal's energy system followed by specific techniques like using touch and/or sound therapy to clear balance and strengthen the energy system. It also promotes wellness, provides support through injury, illness and traumas, helps with behavior issues and enhances the animal and human bond.
Carol Komitor, CMT, HTCP/I, HTACP/I, ESMT, is the founder of Healing Touch for Animals®, USA.
Luzerner Zeitung - Tipps für Besucher und Hotels von Joyful Dog Life
Die Hundeexpertin Erica Kessler führt in Weggis die Firma Joyful Dog Life und berät Hotelgäste mit Hunden. Die Vierbeiner können schnell mal gestresst sein, besonders beim ersten Hotelbesuch. Da sollten die Besitzer beruhigend auf die Tiere einwirken. Die Beratungen finden auch vor Ort statt, im Hotelzimmer, an der Rezeption oder im Aussenbereich. Daher kennt Kessler einige Zentralschweizer Hotels, die Hunde erlauben.
Beim Check-in sollten sie nochmals die Gelegenheit haben, Fragen zu stellen. Die Vierbeiner müssen stubenrein sein, gute Manieren und keine extremen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten haben. Auf der Hotelanlage und im Hotel müssen sie angeleint sein. Sollten Gäste das Zimmer ohne den Hund verlassen, ist es gut, wenn sie einen Türhänger «Hund im Zimmer» anbringen können – damit das Personal das Zimmer nicht betritt.
Was Hotels falsch machen können? Nicht reagieren, wenn etwas nicht erlaubt ist. «Ich sehe manchmal, dass die Hunde auf dem Polster im Restaurant sitzen – und das Personal sagt nichts.» Einmal sei eine Familie mit einem nicht angeleinten Hund zwischen den Gartentischen hindurch zur Rezeption gegangen. «So etwas geht nicht, aber niemand hat die Hundebesitzer darauf angesprochen. Deshalb empfehle ich, das Personal zu schulen, damit es in solchen Situationen fachgerecht reagieren kann.» Vielleicht gibt es ja auch Personal, das Angst vor den Hunden hat. Darauf sollten Hotels ebenso achten.
Hundwillhaben online store
Online store for custom dog beds, dog cushions, dog pillows and dog accessories. Animals, especially dogs and the love for furry noses are part of my life. Through my many years of working as an interior designer, I decided to found the online store hundwillhaben. We are a small pack of creative, inquisitive snoopers, tinkerers and we try out new stuff. Our world is round, colorful, striped, cheerful, cozy, individual, comfortable, authentic, active and playful. We attach great importance to high-quality workmanship of our products, well-being, health, relaxation and comfort. Our products are produced in a small factory in the Zurich Oberland region, Switzerland.